
me, myself and I

I try to kill those ghosts inside of me
That voice you've spoke is yelling in my ears
I'd like to have those eyes you want to kiss
I wish I had that voice you want to ear
This feeling is so hard that I can't speak
I wish you touch my hair when I'm asleep
The words you wrote are putting me away
I know that love was for somebody else

You and I know
You and I tried
You and I ran
Leaving old stories far behind
And it feels good
And it's so warm
Having those eyes
Playing with me, myself and I

The Gift, in Me, Myself and I

1 comment:

Cátia Antunes said...

"I try to kill those ghosts inside of me..." - Don't you ever stop trying (Actress)

"Leaving old stories far behind..."

É mesmo por aí. Vive o momento (segue o que sentes). Usa só a negativa na questão: Porque não?

Todo o resto tem de ser dito de outra forma. A vida é excelente. Sabes isso. Arrisca sem medo de perder.

Assim só se perdem as questões que tantas vezes nos turvam o pensamento e nos travam a acção (e o coração).
